Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time for the Awards Ceremony

And the award for...

Best Driver
: Hubby (only driver!)
Best Planner: Dr Mom
Worst Injury: Deep Thought, for her thumb squashed in the hinge of the RV door at Crater Lake.
Best Musical Accompaniment: Little Starlet, for her rendition of "The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow" on continuous loop.
Best Alarm Clock: Little Starlet, always up for the 6:30am start.
Best Bed Hair: Deep Thought.
Most Stupid Tourist: The woman at the Old Faithful Geyser who insisted on offering her cheek to the slobbery, British-toothed llamas "because they want to kiss me" and who almost got a big bite for her troubles.
Most Mozzie Bites: Little Starlet, for the 17 she acquired on our walk in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
Best Cultural Experience: "All's Well That Ends Well" in Ashland.
Most Empty Campground: Butte Lake in Lassen Volcanic National Park.
Smelliest Campground: Jackson Wellsprings in Ashland.
Best RV Dump Station: Mazama Campground in Crater Lake.
Cutest Wildlife: Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels at Crater Lake.
Most Revolting Dessert: Coconut Cream Pie at the Apple Peddler in Crescent City.
Photo Journalism: Hubby.
Largest Consumption of Potato Chips in the Dark: Hubby.
Best Side Trip: Subway Lava Tube at Old Station on highway 44.
Strangest Conversation: The old lady in Jackson Wellsprings who explained that she was learning languages, which is why she could tell we were Australian.
Best Pizza: The Pizza Factory in Weed.
Best Emergency Kit: Dr Mom, for her pocket tea-bag that we decided could be used to make a fishing line, staunch a bleeding cut, provide food, etc.

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